Latest Past Events

XXVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium 2024

Banaras Hindu University Ajagara, Varanasi

CAEN India is proud to announce its participation to the XXVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium 2024. The DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics (HEP) Symposium stands as a distinguished biennial event in India, sponsored by the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). This symposium serves as a pivotal [...]

68th DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Haridwar Highway, Roorkee

CAEN India is proud to announce its participation to the 68th DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics. DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics covering a wide range of topics is conducted annually. The aim of this series of symposia is to provide a scientific forum to the nuclear physics community to present their research work and to [...]

Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments for Schools and Universities

CAEN India is proud to announce the first edition of the CAEN Educational School, a comprehensive demonstration of our educational kits designed for high schools and universities! This school is perfect for anyone interested in exploring real-world experiments in particle physics using our CAEN kits, or for those looking to deepen their understanding of these [...]