35th IARP National Conference (IARPNC-2025)

Mangalore University Mudipu - konaje, Mangalagangotri, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India

Indian Association for Radiation Protection (IARP) is pleased to announce its 35th National Conference (IARPNC-2025) on "Radiation Protection for Sustainable Nuclear Energy: Adapting to Climate and Technological Changes," scheduled from January 29-31, 2025, at Mangala Auditorium, Mangalore University IARPNC-2025 will focus on key themes such as Radiation Protection in Emerging Nuclear Technologies, Radiation Safety and [...]

Frontiers in Gamma Ray Spectroscopy

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai, India

CAEN India is proud to participate to the next Frontiers in Gamma Ray Spectroscopy 2025 (FIG2025) The main theme of this conference is to discuss the recent results of nuclear structure studies using gamma ray spectroscopy techniques and their future direction at stable/radioactive beam facilities. Topics for this workshop will include:- a) High spin phenomena [...]